Category: CRPGAddict

Darklands: Iron Men

The leader of Hamburg outlines the crimes of robber knight Eberhard Gerle.         Someone should make a comprehensive study of the criminal archetypes that have come and gone–made obsolete by sociology or technology. The itinerant snake-oil salesman; the train robber; the yo-ho-ho kind of pirate. The Nigerian Prince must be […]

Darklands: Menüstadt

Darklands is a very menu-driven game.          I re-started the game and rolled up a new group for this expedition, not so much because I was dissatisfied with the statistics of the old one (although I did need someone with better alchemy skills, I think) but because I was dissatisfied […]

Game 330: House of Usher (1980)

                House of Usher United States Crystalware (developer and publisher) Released in 1980 for Apple II and Atari 800 Date Started: 27 May 2019 Date Finished: 27 May 2019 Total Hours: 5Difficulty: Moderate (3/5)Final Rating: (to come later)Ranking at time of posting: (to come later) A few months ago, commenter […]

The Kingdom of Syree: Acceptance

The King of Syree bestows the main quest.             Facing an Ultima clone often sends me into a process akin to the Kübler-Ross five stages of grief.              Denial: “Aw, hell. Not another Ultima clone. What–it even has a (Z)tats command? No. No $&@#!* way.” Anger: “What the hell was […]

Game 329: Darklands (1992)

When you start up the game, this woman says “Welcome to Darklands” in a digitized voice.           Darklands United States MicroProse (developer and publisher) Released in 1992 for DOSDate Started: 24 May 2019 Excited about killing orcs and finding treasure, I fire up a game and crack open the manual. […]

Journey: Won! (with Summary and Rating)

The winning screen you’ve been desperately anticipating for 8 years.             Journey United States Infocom (developer and publisher) Released in 1989 for DOS, Amiga, Apple II, and Macintosh Date Started: 20 March 2011 Date Finished: 21 May 2019 Total Hours: 23 (including 9 in 2011)Difficulty: Hard (4/5)Final Rating: (to come […]

Game 327: Darkwood (1992)

                Darkwood United StatesPublished as shareware in 1992 for the MacintoshDate Started: 15 May 2019 Date Finished: 16 May 2019 Total Hours: 4Difficulty: Easy (2/5)Final Rating: (to come later)Ranking at time of posting: (to come later)                 You are an orphan named Derek who wants to join the elite city […]

Star Control II: Won!

There’s no one “congratulations” screen. This is the final screen of the game. The final chapter commenced with a re-visit to the Syreen. After clearly telling me to “LEAVE” in our last encounter, I had thought that the Syreen commander was going to do something without my participation, but it […]

Dark Stone Ritual: Too Zoon

The Game Master gives me one of the main quests of the game.              At this point, I’ve explored five towns, three caves, and as much of the outdoor area as I can. The outdoor map is structured so you can’t get very far without the skills necessary to navigate […]

A Personal Note

I got behind in entries and ended up having nothing to published today at noon, for which I apologize. I am of course still working on Dark Stone Ritual and Star Control II while investigating some interesting off-list options. I thought I’d take today to let you know about an […]