Ahoy there mateys! Welcome back to Retro Freak Reviews. And before ye all send me down to Davy Jones’ locker for not posting a review during the entire summer, let me redeem my sinner soul by offering ye this fine review in this finest of International Talk Like a Pirate […]
Malasombra – Eye candy NES title announced by 4mhz!
4mhz has been one of our favourite Amstrad publishers, releasing fabulous games such as Operation Alexandra, and even the brilliant The Lost Treasure of Cuauhtemoc! Sadly however a game we previously thought was coming to the Amstrad isn’t, as thanks to a heads up in our twitter feed the rather eye […]
Orange Island – 8-bit action-adventure for Pc and Nes
Orange Island is a new 8-bit action-adventure platformer game that is currently up on Kickstarter and was successfully funded within the first 24 hours of its campaign. Orange Island draws inspiration from side-scrolling NES games like Legacy of the Wizard, Kirby’s Adventure and Zelda II and mixes this with puzzles […]
Cathedral – Classy NES-inspired 8-bit adventure is coming soon to GOG
In 2016 Indie Retro News was one of the first sites to give you an updated look at Decemberborn’s in development NES inspired 8bit adventure ‘ Cathedral ‘, which looks to have the charm of those retro classics while having cool platforming dungeons, unique aesthetics, new items, baddies to fight […]
What Remains – A new NES game surfaces from iodinedynamics
The NES scene has certainly been busy this month, with cool games announced such as Micro Mages and NEScape! But now another game is set to take center stage, as we’ve just come across a tweet from @remwhat, that they have released the final version of What Remains; an 8-bit interactive fiction and […]
Antstream – A retro game streaming subscription service is a Kickstarter success
Great news if you were supporting the Antstream Kickstarter; a crowd funding campaign for a retro gaming based streaming service. As we’ve recently been informed through our twitter feed, that not only is it a Kickstarter success but the pledges are still increasing and it’s now beyond £50,000! For those […]
Cathedral – Upcoming classy NES-inspired 8-bit adventure with new footage!
In 2016 Indie Retro News was one of the first sites to give you an updated look at Decemberborn’s in development NES inspired 8bit adventure ‘ Cathedral ‘, which looks to have the charm of those retro classics while having cool platforming dungeons, unique aesthetics, new items, baddies to fight […]
Panic! Dizzy – A ‘new’ old game by The Oliver Twins smashes Kickstarter goal
Well this didn’t surprise us at all, as earlier today we found out Chris Wilkins, who was behind other successful Kickstarters such as the Crash Annual 2019, ZZap! 64 Annual 2019 and Mystery World Dizzy, has once again smashed through another Kickstarter goal! Yes indeed after raising an incredible £20,780 thanks to […]
Mojonian Tales – An anthology of games created by the Mojon Twins for the NES
The Mojon Twins are certainly no strangers to this site, releasing cool homebrew games such as Cheril the Writer, Bootèe, MiedoW (Cheril’s Nightmares), Mega Cheril Perils and even games such as Lala The Magical on the NES! But now there’s a new game(s) in town, as we’ve just learnt from @nath_mojon the availability of ‘ […]