A clever bit of code makes for an interesting, infinitely variable battle generator. Even better is it can be modified with a bit of html and a touch of Lua to really do some unique stuff. I’ve just scratched the surface but this might be the coolest addition to CMO. […]
Command : Modern Operations – Birth of a Scenario Part 2
Sweden. 1990. It’s been two weeks since the Soviet Union invaded Germany. The world holds its breath as it wonders who will use nuclear weapons first. West of Fulda the US 1st Armored Division halted the advancing Soviet Guards Divisions with incredible losses. The 82nd Airborne in coordination with the […]
Armored Brigade : A Tutorial
This field manual provides basic doctrinal discussion on the operation and usage of the game Armored Brigade. This FM’s target audience includes commanders, opfor, and anyone looking to expand their grasp of the Armored Brigade game platform. Armored Brigade is a pretty great game and I decided to make a […]
Armored Brigade : A Tutorial
This field manual provides basic doctrinal discussion on the operation and usage of the game Armored Brigade. This FM’s target audience includes commanders, opfor, and anyone looking to expand their grasp of the Armored Brigade game platform. Armored Brigade is a pretty great game and I decided to make a […]
Rule the Waves 2 Review : Does it Still Rule?
It’s June, 1944. A line of French battleships screens a motley collection of carriers, escort carriers, and destroyers. The sun is about to rise as flight crews prepare to attack a target in Sardinia. Our fighters are inferior to the Monarchist Italians, but our bombers are glorious. The signal is […]