Upcoming text based C64 adventure features Pirate text!

From Indie Retro News

Text Adventures were many of our first forays into video gaming. Similar to the Adventure stories we would get as books each adventure was usually a unique, and fulfilling story combined with puzzles, traps, loot, and enemies. Thankfully many still see this as a rather unique story telling experience, and it’s with great pleasure to give a shout out to Mondaysmites upcoming text based adventure game for the C64 which features actual yarrr pirate text based words!

Now there’s not a lot to go on other than this being a pirate based text adventure, but the developer has recently shouted out on twitter, that this game for the C64 is not only finished and being beta tested, but 34kb’s of the C64’s 38kb free memory has been used up already and is being developed with PetSCII graphics and programmed in Basic. So as soon as we know more and of course that all improtant release date, we will let you know 🙂

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Original URL: https://www.indieretronews.com/2018/08/upcoming-text-based-c64-adventure.html